June 22 Minutes



MINUTES OF MEETING 9th June 2022, 8pm at High Lane Library

Present: Angie Sequeira, Anne Walker, Barry Sequeira, Darrell Williams, David Burks, Eryl Hughes, Helen Richardson, Hilary Stephenson, Stephen Price (the Executive Committee); Cllr Shan Alexander and Residents

Apologies: none  




The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Claire Porterfield was thanked for preparing these.



Police: Matt Mayers was unable to attend but sent a report of incidents and advice to David which will be published on the HLRA website. Residents encouraged to be vigilant during summer months, not leaving doors unlocked whilst outside etc. Noted that PCSO Gary Appleyard is moving on at the end of the month: agreed David would write to say we trust this will not mean a reduction in attention for our area.  






Finance: Barry confirmed the account balance is £2,172 with some expenses on behalf of the Mutual Aid Group still to come out of this. Concerns expressed about the reducing level of funds generally and the lack of subscriptions (see 12 below – Newsletter).   Barry also noted that proceeds from the book sales at the Medical Centre have fallen recently, even though there is still a full supply of books.



Council budget for Covid-19 memorial projects: Shan reported on this and asked for HLRA support to apply for an allocation to create a reflection/memorial space in the village (to recognise those affected and the community effort during lockdown). It was agreed the most suitable location was in St Thomas’ Church garden (provided it is acknowledged that the space is for the whole community and not linked exclusively to the Church). If High Lane is successful in its application, a team needs to be assembled to agree what we want in the space and how costs of upkeep will be met, etc.   David to write to Shan initially to confirm expression of interest.








Local planning:

a)       Eryl’s monthly report circulated separately on the agenda

b)      Shore’s Farm, demolition of barn and erection of 4 dwellings, alteration to road layout and access, traffic concerns – Eryl to write to Shan with concerns (noted that 4 individual objections will need to be notified for this to be put to Area Committee)

c)       Orford Close, large scale extension: a holding reply has been received from the Planning Officer noting delays in processing the application. Eryl to keep pursuing.








Community Public Access Defibrillator: an awareness session was held when the defibrillator was originally bought but, as a refresh and in case individuals might feel daunted about using it if asked to, a link to a short demonstration video provided by the manufacturer will be put on the HLRA website.   Facilities permitting, this may also be shown at the AGM. The model we have is a Powerheart G5 automatic AED which guides the user with voice prompts in an emergency; the ambulance service will direct callers to the defibrillator and give out the pin code for the cabinet only when they consider it appropriate in the particular circumstances.



David to follow up on his meeting with Andy Burnham and other group leaders in the village with a letter concerning the ideas of a bus service link between the village and Hazel Grove Park and Ride and creation of a hub for all bus operators at the P&R site.




Community gardening and improvement projects:

a)       HLRA are to take back responsibility for maintaining the Jubilee Gardens, from Friends of High Lane Park

b)      Volunteers are needed who would be willing to do an hour or two gardening at Jubilee Gardens, the roadside planter on Windlehurst Road (near No 54) and the strip of land on the A6 between the old School House (Rejuvenate) and Middlewood Road – Please get in touch if you would like to help us improve and maintain the village [contact@hlra.org.uk]

c)       Task Leaders – David to speak to Ian Kenna and Ian Carpenter about renewing risk assessments, etc following email from Karen Barnes










David to get clarity from Ann Young on the status of the Friends of High Lane Park group; HLRA to consider taking this back if the group no longer intends to continue.



HLRA 90th anniversary: weekend of 10th/11th September 2022 at High Lane Village Hall. David has booked the entertainment, catering was discussed and agreed this will be a hotpot supper for the ticketed Saturday evening event.

a)       David to arrange a sub-group planning meeting

b)      Hilary and Helen to speak to local groups about having a table as part of the daytime exhibitions

c)       Stephen to contact Home Instead, ditto




Hilary, Helen Stephen


HLRA AGM 2022 is booked for Wednesday 26th October 2022 at High Lane Village Hall (start time TBA). David to ask the U3A choir if they will perform after the formal part of the meeting




HLRA 2022 Newsletter: agreed this needs to be produced soon to notify the AGM and encourage subscriptions. Timings to be agreed ASAP so Barry and Angie can notify the delivery team.   Hilary advised she is no longer able to arrange the graphics and desktop publishing – a volunteer from the community would be appreciated to help out please!

Ideas on content – please send to Stephen who will collate for review at July meeting.







Other business:

a)       Agreed that the Chair for the August meeting will be Helen or Hilary in David’s absence

b)      Darrell has prepared an update of his report on the GM Clean Air Zone situation, which will be published on the HLRA website.

Meeting closed 9:40pm



Next Meeting Thursday 7th July 2022 at 8pm High Lane Library