August 21 Minutes



Present: Angie Sequeira, Barry Sequeira, Darrell Williams, Eryl Hughes, Hilary Stephenson, Stephen Price, Councillor Shan Alexander

Apologies: David Burks, Anne Walker, Ian Carpenter,




Signage/plaques identifying HLRA projects, etc – now delivered; Ian to organise fixing in due course



Improvements to benches – thanks to Barry and David for the refurbishment of the bench near the Pharmacy, which appears to have been well received by the community. Shan confirmed councillors have approved funding from the Ward budget to replace the dilapidated bench opposite the Royal Oak with a new one.

Following a review of other concrete benches, Barry has confirmed the one at the junction of Park Road and Hartington is beyond repair. Hilary has asked that we consider a joint-funded repair of the bench at Broadhurst Bridge with Hawk Green RA – Shan will contact them









Refurbishment of bus shelter opposite the War Memorial – Barry is hoping to take advice from Stuart to determine a scope of work, then possibly source a local contractor. Tomlinson Parbans have kindly agreed to provide the timber free of charge if the project is viable




Library planting beds – Ian has spoken with Jonathan Headlam of Greenspace and agreed siting of new planters for the memorial roses



Towpath maintenance – Ian is meeting C&RT on 20 August 2021 regarding re-commencing the regular maintenance sessions



Improvements to public right of way path between 71 & 75 Windlehurst Road – David has advised he is confident of obtaining permission from the landowner and Aron is seeking approval from SMBC. If this can be confirmed we can look to move forward with the improvement work



A6 Laybys at Middlewood Way – proposed restriction on long stay parking and selling of vehicles – Shan has been advised that the council has no power to restrict long stay parking under the designations for these laybys; agreed this item is now closed. Space blocked by vehicle sales need to be reported when these occur so the PCSO and/or council can move them on.




Local planning – Eryl’s latest report has been circulated separately. Follow-ups:

  1. Wharf Cottage – noted extensive reduction in tree overhang 3.5m

  2. 262 Windlehurst Road – (potential implications in relation to green belt encroachment and traffic concerns) Hilary has written to SMBC, no response

Proposed Co-Op store on the site of the Dog & Partridge: HLRA has been approached by Barton Willmore, consultants acting for the Co-Op, in relation to views as a stakeholder, prior to any planning application. Eryl has collated comments from the steering group and these have already been sent to councillors. A response to the letter also to be sent to Hannah Walker at Barton Willmore.











Police – PCSO Appleyard has advised that there is no date as yet for training of volunteers for the proposed community speed watch.

There has been no formal update on what was actually done in relation to scaling up presence to address anti-social behaviour.

Shan noted that the latest report to Area Committee referred to two burglaries in the area in the last period, one on residential property, the other commercial.



Finance – funds stand at c.£3,500. Noted that book sales have re-commenced in the Surgery for the war memorial fund, thanks to Ann L, and are already generating income.

Annual accounts due up to the end of August 2021, Tom Jackson to be asked to audit prior to the AGM.






Library car park – the abandoned vehicles now appear to have been moved on following David’s persistence. The recent fly-tipping incident has been reported. Noted that Karen Barnes is now back in post as Neighbourhood Project Officer.




Access-only restrictions to the Thornway - Meadway local road network. It is now understood the restrictions have been brought about as a result of a limited consultation conducted by SMBC with households on these roads only; HLRA was not a consultee. There are strongly-held views on both sides of the argument for/against these restrictions but these will need to be taken up by individuals directly with the council or via the councillors.





Neighbourhood Plan – noted that HLVNF are in the final stages of approval, with the Referendum taking place on 16th September – further details at next month’s meeting.



Stockport Local Plan – Darrell advised that a consultation has recently opened (and runs until 30th September 2021)

This is a pre-cursor to the “actual” consultation that will take place when the Plan is available (NB this is the local development plan and not to be confused with the the Stockport Borough Plan relating to economic recovery efforts as referred to at Item 14 of the July Meeting Notes).

Shan to provide a copy of the latest housing needs data which Darrell will then summarise for the Group





Shan, Darrell


Noticeboards – David has now resolved access to all noticeboards and posted up-to-date information



HLRA AGM 2021 – booked for Thursday 21st October 2021 at High Lane Village Hall, subject to no change in guidance or restrictions on indoor gatherings



Other items:

  1. Hilary has responded to the Electoral Commission’s review of ward boundaries, stating that the preference is for the existing boundaries to remain in relation to High Lane’s location

  2. Stephen to update details on HLRA’s page on the SMBC website per Darrell’s email

  3. Eryl advised that High Lane Primary School is undertaking a review of road safety at the site which may lead to additional safety barriers at key locations

  4. A6 Buxton Road approaching High Lane from HG Golf Club, overgrown verges – Shan to follow up

  5. Barry has written to Aron with a list of locations where overgrown hedges are obstructing pavements

  6. Hilary has reported the missing bollard at the pedestrian refuge near Alders Green Road/A6 junction










Next Steering Group Meeting Thursday 2nd September 2021 at 8pm (via Zoom)

Agreed that the reintroduction of open meetings will be deferred until after the AGM