July 22 Minutes




MINUTES OF MEETING 7th July 2022, 8pm at High Lane Library

Present: Angie Sequeira, Barry Sequeira, David Burks, Eryl Hughes, Helen Richardson, Hilary Stephenson, Stephen Price (the Executive Committee); Cllr Shan Alexander, Cllr Colin Macalister and Residents

Apologies: Darrell Williams, Anne Walker




The minutes of the last meeting were approved.



Police: Matthew from GMP has provided a report which will be published on the HLRA website. Noted small increase in burglaries, also high-performance car and motorbikes being targeted, and theft of catalytic converters on older vehicles. A reminder concerning cold calling and scams: a resident has advised that an organisation (previous bad experiences offering driveways and UPVC work) is operating locally again, asking for up-front payment etc, please report any incidents. There are police leaflets and booklets in the Library offering general advice. The assignment of student officers on traffic watch is still ongoing.






Finance: Barry confirmed the account balance is £2,438.96. Proceeds from the book sales at the Medical Centre is still a concern, with large numbers of books seemingly being taken without any donation being left.



Council budget for Covid-19 community memorial/reflection projects: David and Shan have met with representatives from St Thomas’s Church and an expression of interest has been submitted in relation to a bid for High Lane. The proposed location is in St Thomas’ Church garden (but acknowledged that the space would be for the whole community and not linked exclusively to the Church). If High Lane is successful in its application, a joint team needs to be assembled to agree what we want in the space and how costs of upkeep will be met, with low maintenance options being the objective.



Local planning: Eryl’s report was printed on the agenda; no actions required



HLRA 90th anniversary: weekend of 10th/11th September 2022 at High Lane Village Hall. A planning sub-group has been assembled and arrangements are in hand.   Alison was thanked for the selection of items she is making for the fund-raising stall with proceeds intended to help fund the village planters. Agreed that HVLNF will run the bar with proceeds shared. Barry is speaking to the bank about obtaining a contactless payment card-reader for this event (and ongoing) as an alternative to cash transactions



HLRA Newsletter 2022: David has started a draft and will circulate this for comment and extra items. Noted this should advertise the AGM and, if available in time, the 90th Anniversary event, together with an urgent appeal for support with payment of annual subscriptions to fund ongoing projects.



HLRA AGM Wednesday 26th October 2022 at High Lane Village Hall: David confirmed the U3A choir have agreed to perform after the formal part of the meeting but there is a concern about ventilation (covid measures) which he is trying to resolve.   Angie asked if U3A could also speak at the event (Paul Kennaugh to be asked)






Community gardening and improvement projects / Volunteers needed:

a)       Projects that can be started if volunteers and task leaders can come forward include maintaining the Jubilee Gardens, the roadside planter on Windlehurst Road (near No 54) and the strip of land on the A6 between the old School House (Rejuvenate) and Middlewood Road – Message to the community - please get in touch if you would give a few hours to help us improve and maintain the village [contact@hlra.org.uk]

b)      Task Leaders – David confirmed Ian Kenna, Ian Carpenter and Cllr Aron Thornley have attended the SMBC course. Others are needed please

c)       David is considering option of volunteers from Stockport GoodGym group, but we would need to provide supervision and tools, and volunteers from the High Lane community for High Lane would be preferred.

d)      Eryl and David are looking into the Landfill Communities Fund which enables community grants from landfill operator tax credits via “Entrust”. We would need to enrol as an Environmental Body and identify a suitable operator within a 10-mile radius.

e)      Hartley Woods: the owl sculpture is in need of restoration and Colin Doran has identified someone to do this. Agreed that Colin will organise this with an approved budget range of £75 - £125 and HLRA will reimburse.









Friends of High Lane Park: David has clarified the status of the group with Ann Young in that it cannot be dissolved until ongoing projects with SMBC are complete. Following that, it is proposed that HLRA takes back the role of Friends with any residual funds in the current group being handed over and ringfenced for expenditure on the park.



199 bus service: reduced future service noted, i.e. after the service which departs Buxton at 17:45, all later buses will terminate at Stockport and will not run to the airport (i.e. users change services at Stockport for the airport).






Parking, traffic, highways, etc:

a)       Pharmacy and Library Car Parks: recurring complaints about poor signage, unclear markings and layout, abuse of short-term parking policy, abandoned vehicles, etc. The trade-off is that parking is free; SMBC’s view is that parking charges should be imposed if any changes made. Status quo remains but requires courtesy and consideration by users. Consider asking for a new “no overnight or long stay parking” sign

b)      Dangerous parking of vehicles outside the social services property on Hartington Road blocking visibility at junction: council to be asked to reinstate yellow lines that have not been replaced following resurfacing

c)       Keswick Road and Lakes estate to be added to list of roads for action on speeding

d)      Rostherne Avenue and Rydal Avenue: were not resurfaced with the rest of the Lakes roads, is this planned?

e)      Cllr Macalister advised that sufficient funding has been secured (from the current year’s budget) for the removal of the speed humps on Windlehurst Road between the junctions with Andrew Lane and Torkington Road

f)        The trial exercise of closing access to Hartington Road from Park Road is to take place for a period of 6 weeks to monitor effect on rat-running

g)       Overgrown hedges and undergrowth blocking safe passage on footways along A6, notably junction with Carr Brow






Councillors (all items please)







Other business:

a)       Helen reported that Don Breedon has sadly passed away at the age of 93, remembered as a longstanding member and supporter of HLRA

b)      Report from a resident on Andrew Lane that there are signs of oil entering the stream behind residential properties (Ochreley Brook), possibly coming from motor business at Lomberhey Farm. Environment Agency has been advised, Councillors – can the council please follow up too.

c)       One of the planters at the war memorial garden has sadly been vandalised. This has now been made good and a notice posted on the Library car park noticeboard.

Meeting closed 9:35pm



Next Meeting Thursday 4th August 2022 at 8pm High Lane Library