September 23 Minutes



September 7 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of High Lane Residents’ Association

Date: 7th September 2023                                                                       Time: 8pm

Venue: High Lane Library

Present: David Burks, Sue Forrester, Anne Walker, Barry Sequeira, Angie Sequeira, Eryl Hughes, Caroline Smith, Darrell Williams, Carole Gibson and members of the Residents Association

1) Apologies. Stephen Price

2) Minutes of the last meeting. A member of the working party heading up the management of the land from the Cruising Club to Middlewood Road commented that some of her comments about this issue were not documented in the last meeting’s minutes.

Action Point: Previous minutes to be corrected.

3) Welcome to our new Treasurer and Secretary: Treasurer Geoff Gaskell, Minute Secretary Sue Forrester; new committee members John and Caroline

4) Police Report by Simon.

David commented that none of the 4 PCSOs for High Lane and the surrounding areas could attend the meeting tonight but he could report that 2,093 crimes were committed in the Stockport area last month, 8 of which were in High Lane: of those 2 were burglaries and an attempted theft from the church.

SpeedWatch: Co-ordinator Alan explained the set-up of SpeedWatch. Regular checks on Andrew Lane by volunteers revealed that there were 132 vehicles recorded exceeding 24 miles per hour – 20 of those drivers were High Lane Residents. Consequently, the offenders received a warning letter and if caught again a second letter is issued and if a 3rd offence occurs the police are informed. High Lane is the only village in the area with SpeedWatch in operation.

Query: re operating SpeedWatch in other areas eg Thornway, Carr Brow and Hartington Road?

Answer: Andrew Lane is the only road at the moment that SpeedWatch is allowed to operate.

Alan asked for volunteers and also mentioned that there is a lack of communication between him and the Police.

Action Point: Alan to make contact with the Police.


5)       Finances: Barry had produced an accounts summary showing recent expenditure: Insurance = £109.59; e mail accounts costs: = £88.00; printing of newsletter = £330.00; Village Hall hire: £48.00. Totalling £575.59; leaving a balance of £2175.00.

Query: a resident on Lyme Road said she has never received a newsletter as part of the road is in High Lane and part of it in Cheshire. Numbers 1 – 12 on both sides of the road are in High Lane (there isn’t a number 3)

Action Point: 1 – 12 Lyme Road to be included on the delivery list for the newsletter.

A request for volunteers was put forward and accepted.


6)       Planning Applications: Eryl reported a new planning application on Hartington Road.

i)     Windlehurst Court David had received an email regarding access to Windlehurst Court – one resident has raised an objection before the deadline of 1st September but had problems on the planning site with logging the said objection. David explained that 4 residents need to object before it can move forward to Marple Area Committee. Consequential meetings can be viewed on webcam.

Query: a resident asked if under planning laws is there such a thing as overdevelopment    of a plot – Orford and Meadway as an instance?

Answer: David referred the resident to Stockport Planning.

ii) Dog & Partridge As yet there is nothing to report re the Dog & Partridge. It has been passed as a retail development but there will be no further news until it is signed off and paid for. Concern was raised as regards to the entrance and exit.

iii) Shores Farm There was some confusion amongst the residents as to whether the

existing barn is to be demolished or converted into houses.

Action Point: Clarification to be obtained.

Query: access for barn owls? The resident suggested that a survey regarding the effect on wildlife should be carried out – a question to be answered by Stockport Council. David explained that he had invited all 3 councillors to the meeting – no apologies received.

Query: meaning of “Discharge of Condition”. It means “conditions met by builder”.


7)       Progress on Courtyard area behind Library. It is an overgrown area approx. 8 ft wide behind the library with access through the garage to a blue wooden door. David suggested it could be used as an escape route from the library to the courtyard in the case of a fire. The area is being cleared and David had applied to the council to have use of the area for storage of gardening /litter picking equipment etc. Permission had been received for the installation of a storage unit or shed but there are various conditions to be met. At the moment there is only 1 key to the courtyard area.

Action Point: David to request more keys to be cut.

The question of access to water for flowers in the memorial garden, library and planters was raised. Water can be obtained from the garage when open but the volunteers usually bring their own. Rainwater butts may be a possibility.

Query: tap for water on the memorial wall?

Action Point: Warren to obtain an estimate from a plumber.

A volunteer to help with the watering (week 3) was requested.

David had received an email from Skylight regarding the grant received – there was an underspend of £40. That money was used in a variety of ways and Skylight have welcomed High Lane to apply for further grants.


8) Progress on land from Cruising Club to Middlewood Rd. The Working Group involved with this area of land have met 3 times – more information on Facebook, Rewilding Stockport website; Plant Life: The good Verge Guide and the High Lane Village Neighbourhood Forum website. Eve and Rachel from Cheshire Wildlife Trust (CWT) have viewed the site and agreed that there is an ecosystem present. The current plan is to remove the bamboo (is useful for absorbing CO2) and plant native wildflowers with one lawnmower wide strip of land to allow smaller plants to grow.

     Action Point: CWT will help with a noticeboard; signage and use of their logo with the WG liaising with Eve from CWT

David had met Eve and Rachel (also a resident of High Lane) from CWT and stressed that the piece of land needs to look attractive and cared for – maybe a garden or wildlife area. He suggested starting with a manageable area as it is a big piece of land and much of it is choked with grass and progressing from there. At the end of Middlewood Road there is a Grade 2 listed milestone which is not visible due to high grass. The idea of installing a bench was also discussed.

Action Point: to plant yellow rattle to control the grass in that area.

Other suggestions were: asking volunteers to help with planting and the maintenance encouraging High Lane residents to take ownership of the village; involving the local schools with pupils growing plants/flowers from seed in situ to be planted outside when ready; to look at a similar area in Poynton;

A resident queried the involvement of CWT when High Lane comes under the Gt M/cr?

David asked if anybody present had an opposing view as regards to the area – too late to include it in the newsletter as it has already been printed.

A thank you was given to David for meeting Eve from the CWT and to the WG for their ideas and hard work.

Action Point: This item to be put on hold until after the AGM and to be presented as a singular defined item on the next meeting of the HLRA (5th October)

9)   Speakers for AGM (any requirements) Eve Taylor from CWT will be the guest speaker

10)   A.O.B.

- David has received 2 emails regarding the amount of pigeons in certain areas. Due to lack of nesting sites there is nowhere for the birds to roost.

Action Point: a possibility of contacting the council re the problem?

Hartley Woods is being used for the dumping of rubbish and it was pointed out that some trees have been felled perhaps because they were deceased and therefore dangerous?

Action Point: to ask Stockport Council the reason why some trees have been removed.

Action Point: a member of the HLRA to walk through the woods and look at the problem of rubbish being left and report back.

-  It was noted that the speedbumps along Windlehurst Road to Doodsons are being repaired. The plan initially was to remove them completely but now it has become a legal battle with arbitration. David commented that if a traffic calming measure eg speedbumps is removed some other measure has to be put in place.

-  The passageway from Thornway to the A6 has been looked at and flagged by a councillor.

Action Point: David to follow up.

A question was asked whether the set up of chairs in the Library Room could be in a semi-circle instead of rows? The poor acoustics in the room make it difficult to hear people speaking if they are sat behind you.

-  The Park & Ride area in Hazel Grove is being halved with the remaining portion to be used for ambulance parking.

-  A resident asked if there has been a report on the traffic data gathered in January on Hartington Road. David replied that no report had been issued as yet.

-  Cases of vandalism in High Lane Park – could CCTV be installed? David replied that this would breach the Data Protection Laws.

-  Anti-social behaviour: vandalism to bus stop seating is a problem with the seats having to be repeatedly painted by volunteers. It was also reported that a child had climbed onto the back of a breakdown truck along the A6.

-  Road verges in certain areas are overgrown with vegetation as the council haven’t tended to them.


11)  Next Meeting        AGM on 5th October 2023. 7.30pm at the Village Hall.