Present: Angie Sequeira, Barry Sequeira, Darrell Williams, David Burks, Hilary Stephenson, Ian Carpenter, Stephen Price
Apologies: Eryl Hughes, Anne Walker
Item |
Action |
1. |
Signage/plaques identifying HLRA projects, etc – proposed wording approved subject to Darrell’s email. Actions: Hilary to proceed with ordering; Ian to organise fixing |
Hilary Ian |
2. |
Replacement/refurbishment of benches at bus stop opposite Royal Oak and by crossing outside the Pharmacy – Barry has spoken to Cllr Thornley who has agreed to take up with the council: no response yet. Agreed that we should find a way to resource this work ourselves if response from the Council is unsatisfactory, the proposed product is of poor quality or is too expensive. Action: close out response from Cllr Thornley first |
Barry |
3. |
Refurbishment of bus shelter opposite the War Memorial – Barry has spoken to Stuart R who in turn is speaking to Tomlinson Parbans about potential restoration project. Historical situation to resolve as participants involved in the original construction are no longer around. Action: Barry to keep talking to Stuart |
Barry |
4. |
Library car park noticeboard - Stephen has circulated the proposed artwork following a meeting with Paul Vickers of Home Instead, this was approved subject to Hilary’s amendments and Darrell’s comment concerning reducing the size of the banners to increase space. Paul’s offer is to provide the new lining and artwork and repaint the existing structure at Home Instead’s cost. Action: Stephen to revert to Paul |
Stephen |
5. |
Planting of roses in recognition of Tom Lambert and Carmel & Derek Sissons – Action: Ian to speak to Ian Kenna to ask him to take this forward based on the proposal agreed (March meeting notes) i.e. buying and plant two rose bushes in the planting beds at the Library entrance, total budget of £40 (excluding plaques, covered in Item 1 above) |
Ian |
6. |
Spring Litter pick – Barry and Angie have made arrangements for 17th April 2021. Access to Library to be arranged by Wayne Bardsley, start times will be staggered for social distancing |
Barry & Angie |
7. |
Improvements to public right of way path between 71 & 75 Windlehurst Road – David confirmed agreement in principle by the landowner following contact arranged by Anne. Agreed that we should find a way of doing this work May/June when restrictions are eased and Ian can mobilise the usual volunteers. Actions: written consent to be obtained from the landowner and disclaimers to be drafted for participants, risk assessment and method statement to be drafted. Options to be considered for materials supply, e.g. sponsorship by Marchington Stone or fund raising. Note: please keep the Resident who originally proposed this as an RA project in the loop (Ian has contact details) |
David / Ian |
8. |
Local planning – Eryl’s report has been circulated. Item of potential concern is DC/080070, erection of agricultural barn on land at Bollinhurst Brook. Action: Eryl to register concern/question in relation to potential increased and/or heavy traffic using Middlewood Road and the affected section of the canal towpath |
Eryl |
9. |
Police Asset Recovery Incentivisation Fund (ARIS) – still no help from the local police in relation to this opportunity. Actions: Hilary will pursue any community-related ideas with the Scout leader; Stephen will write to the GMP Neighbourhood Watch Inspector to ask about other groups’ projects |
Hilary Stephen |
10. |
Community defibrillator – Stephen has been in discussion with Zoll concerning taking over the warranty and supply of consumables for our CPAD, previously provided by Cardiac Science, which is now agreed in principle |
11. |
Parking spaces at the Village Hall – Hilary is in touch with Cllr Thornley regarding the proposal for 4 additional spaces and a further potential scheme for an additional c.20 spaces subject to funding. Agreed to keep this item on the agenda: although the proposal may be problematic for a number of residents whose properties adjoin the park, it was felt that on balance the RA should support improved parking here |
Hilary |
12. |
Police – notification of incidents – Ian has raised the ongoing problems of contacting the police to report/record incidents using the 101 phone line (recently holding for over 2 hours to report the recent drone incident). Local police have previously been insistent about the need for reporting of incidents using this phone service. Action: Hilary to send Ian’s email to Inspector Flavell with comments. Also noted for info that PCSO Appleyard has advised of an increased police presence on High Lane Park (David has posted details on the website) |
Hilary |
Next Steering Group Meeting (via Zoom) Thursday 13th May 2021 at 8pm |
DB 5.4.21