Executive Committee



      As ratified at a meeting of the Executive Committee 19th October 2023.


         Those below have accepted these positions for the year 2023/24.


                                       CONTACT FOR ALL         contact@hlra.org.uk     


 Chair                                            David Burks         david@hlra.org.uk


Vice Chair                                      Caroline Smith


Secretary                                       Sue Forrester


Treasurer for RA                             John Baker


Environment                                   Darrell Williams 

                                                     Angie Sequeira      


Planning                                        Eyrl Hughes     


Heritage                                       Helen Richardson 


 Projects                                   Litter Picking   Barry and Angela


                                               Other Projects TBD                                


 There are vacancies as the Committee is made up of 11 including the Chair.


 Notes,   Barry and Angela Sequeira will still act as treasurers for the War Memorial.


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