Email: HLRA meet on the first Thursday of every month at High Lane Library Meeting Room Village Hall (small community room) from 8pm onwards. The High Lane Residents' Association strive to keep the appearance of the village to a good standard by replenishing the planters, caring for the Memorial Garden, keeping the village free of litter and taking on a variety of maintenance tasks. We are always looking for new members to support our work and to contribute to village life with new ideas and projects. We are currently in the process of improving the park areas in High Lane and would value the input of the younger population of High Lane, especially mums and dads with younger children. We would welcome any suggestions of how to accomplish the current project (please see email address at the top of the page) and we are always open to new ideas to help us continue to make sure High Lane Village remains a lovely place to live. |
Updates to the website include -
High Lane Residents' Association: December 2024 Minutes
High Lane Residents' Association: Newsletter 2024 (PDF document, 2 pages)
Temporary change of 199 bus route see news buses or follow the link
Skyline 199 | High Peak (
New Projects for this year - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Reporting Matters to SMBC (Litter, Paths, Roads)
Reporting to SMBC - High Lane Residents' Association (
We hope you find this new website interesting and informative. We welcome any feedback, suggestions or contributions such as old photos or stories about High Lane that you as a resident would like to share.
Next Meeting Thursday 6th March 2025
8.00pm High Lane Village Hall
Residents wishing to subscribe to the association can do so on the evening, recommended £5 per household.
You can raise issues at any time using
RSS Feed
If you have a feed reader you can use this link to get updates.
DW 08-Feb-2024
Contact Information
High Lane Library Buxton Road High Lane