


 Sue's poster

Updates to the website include -


Temporary change of 199 bus route see news buses or follow the link

Skyline 199 | High Peak (highpeakbuses.com)


Lastest Minutes for July  24,  see Minutes or use link below

April 24 Minutes - High Lane Residents' Association (hlra.org.uk)


New Projects for this year - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 


Reporting Matters to SMBC  (Litter, Paths, Roads) 

 Reporting to SMBC - High Lane Residents' Association (hlra.org.uk) 


Stockport Local Plan A6 MARR Data     Please see our files     A6MARR_Evaluation_(1).pdf


Latest Road Works See News 


 We hope you find this new website interesting and informative. We welcome any feedback, suggestions or contributions such as old photos or stories about High Lane that you as a resident would like to share.


Next Meeting Thursday 1st August 2024 8.00pm

at the Library 

Residents wishing to subscribe to the association can do so on the evening, recommended £5 per household.

You can raise issues at any time using  contact@hlra.org.uk






 DB 14/07/24

Contact Information


High Lane Library Buxton Road High Lane