Present: Angie Sequeira, Barry Sequeira, Darrell Williams, David Burks, Hilary Stephenson, Ian Carpenter, Stephen Price, Councillor Shan Alexander
Apologies: Eryl Hughes, Anne Walker
Item |
Action |
1. |
Signage/plaques identifying HLRA projects, etc – now delivered; Ian to organise fixing in due course |
Ian |
2. |
Improvements to benches – following lobbying by Barry, councillors have now approved funding from the Ward budget at the last Area Committee Meeting to replace one of the dilapidated benches previously identified with a new one |
3. |
Refurbishment of bus shelter opposite the War Memorial – Barry has met with Phil of Tomlinson Parbans. It is considered the existing structure is not beyond repair but requires professional advice as to scope of work. HLRA to source a local contractor. Note of thanks to Tomlinson Parbans who have kindly agreed to provide the timber free of charge if the project is viable |
Barry |
4. |
Library planting beds – Ian is speaking with Jonathan Headland of Greenspace to agree siting of new planters for the memorial roses |
Ian |
5. |
Towpath maintenance – Ian is still awaiting the go-ahead from C&RT regarding their support to allow us to resume regular maintenance sessions |
Ian |
6. |
Improvements to public right of way path between 71 & 75 Windlehurst Road – David has walked the route and confirmed the ground is now completely dried out, casting doubt on the suggestion that a fractured water pipe below the surface was causing the problem. If this can be confirmed we can look to move forward with the improvement work |
David |
7. |
A6 Laybys at Middlewood Way – proposed restriction on long stay parking and selling of vehicles – Shan to make enquiries as to what form of signs/notices can be displayed |
Shan |
8. |
Local planning – Eryl’s latest report has been circulated separately. Follow-ups:
Eryl |
9. |
Police - Hilary has asked PCSO Appleyard for a formal update on what was actually done in relation to scaling up presence to address anti-social behaviour, but has had no response. Hilary will follow up on this and the numerous previous requests in relation to instigation of training of volunteers for the proposed community speed watch. David to look into whether Inspector Flavell’s reports given at Area Committee can be shared on the HLRA website so as to inform residents of what results are actually being achieved by local policing |
David |
10. |
Finance – funds stand at £3,800 subject to future commitment for projects at items 3, 4 and 6 of these notes. Agreed that now covid restrictions are lifting we should look to release further funds to projects, any suggestions welcome so that by the AGM we have a planned allocation going forward. |
All |
11. |
Proposed additional parking spaces at the Village Hall – HLRA has been contacted by a resident concerned about the implications of drainage run-off from any additional parking surfaces, it is understood Cllr MacAlister is following this up. Shan advised that discussions about any potential scheme are ongoing with the objective of balancing the need for spaces with environmental policy and supporting the reduction of car use generally. VH to be asked to consider advising groups using the hall to look at car sharing, etc. Agreed to keep this item on the agenda pending further update |
12. |
Residents-only access to the Thornway / Meadway local road network – noted that there has been a great deal of comment on social media concerning new signage which has recently been erected at entrances to these roads by SMBC Highways. HLRA has been advised that Cllr Thornley has undertaken to look into this matter. |
13. |
St Thomas’ Eco-Church objectives – Shan has asked for HLRA’s support in developing ideas for St Thomas’s project to promote eco-friendly behaviours across the High Lane community; any ideas welcome (David to publicise on website) |
All |
14. |
Stockport Borough Plan – Darrell has drawn attention to the fact that this is not to be confused with the Stockport Local Plan. (The Stockport Borough Plan is a product of One Stockport, a "campaign [that] originated from a request from the local business community to establish a shop local campaign as part of the coronavirus economic recovery efforts" and "a similar request from the VCSE sector who wanted to celebrate the community support and voluntary work which was seen across the borough during the first lockdown." – details in the News section of SMBC website for anyone interested) |
15. |
Special note of thanks to Stuart and Helen Richardson for their recent work in clearing back and improving the pathway in Hartley Woods and to Stuart for his ongoing work in maintaining the High Lane Station Picnic Site |
16. |
Noticeboards – action to obtain keys to the various HLRA noticeboards and display new up-to date material including website and contact details |
All/David |
Next Meeting Thursday 5th August 2021 at 8pm (details TBA dependent on changes to government guidance) |