July 24 Minutes



High Lane Residents' Association

Thursday 9th July Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of High Lane Residents’ Association

Date: 9th July 2024                                                                       Time: 8pm

Venue: High Lane Library

Present: David Burks; Darrell Williams; John Baker; Caroline Smith

Apologies: Helen Richardson; Sue Forrester; Barry and Angie Sequeira; Eryl Hughes; Cllr. Shan Alexander

  1. Welcome given by David Burks. He introduced the Committee members that were present as there were a few new residents to the meeting.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting approved
  3. Police Report - David stated that more than likely due to other duties and holiday leave, they weren’t able to attend the meeting tonight. He reconfirmed that High Lane does still have a very low crime level.
  4. Finance Report by John. He read through his Treasurers report. The last statement on 1st July showed a balance of £3,271.36 and since then, no further subscriptions have been received. Expenditure has been the defibrillator costs - £552 and Public Liability Insurance organised by Sue and John - £125.80.

        With these payments taken into account the current bank balance stands at £3228.36

        Costs for next month will include defibrillator pads, replacement defibrillator and invoices  due for Operation Sunflower - seeds, refreshments, topsoil and compost.


        The War memorial account has income from the sales of books at the Medical Centre - £62  in June and £57 in July.


  1. Planning applications

       Planning applications up to 28/6 were all considered to be OFN – one for the neighbours


      142    Buxton Rd DC/092250 Beech closest to the house has died and needs to be felled as urgently as possible. Picture of the tree will be attached.

TPO 64E 


6 Windlehurst Hall Andrew Lane DC/692133

Erection of a single storey conservatory to the rear of property. Amendment to DC/091316   


  • Hartington Rd DC/092355 Single storey side extension not exceeding 4m high and garage conversion   



  1. Reporting Back:


  • Operation Sunflower

David was pleased to announce that the sunflowers have now been planted at the Old High Lane Station.

Good Gym and several volunteers cleared the site over a few weeks. We hope to invite them back for a picnic when the flowers are in bloom.

The sunflowers have been grown by Martin Hall at Coppice Road Nursery for Owen Taylor and we are very grateful for his assistance in this project.

Thanks to the volunteers who turned up on the day to transport the plants [thanks to Ros for the use of her van] and plant out the sunflowers.

Special thanks to the residents of Coopers Cottage for allowing us to use their land to take delivery of the plants.

The platform opposite is getting very overgrown so David will be putting out a request to clear it.


Progress on High Lane /Brookside Parks

The new noticeboard is due for Brookside Park. The RA were involved in its design and siting. They were also informed by Richard Booker that new swings for older children have been ordered.

The RA have approx. £6000 from SMBC and Marple Area Committee towards the cost of an adult gym for High Lane Park. We have had a quote from Wicksteed which means we can apply for match funding.

A quote has now been submitted to Manchester Airport Community Fund for £3000.

The adult gym will be for 13+ and will be available 24/7 and will be free!

It will be positioned to overlook the entrance to the park so parents will be able to use it and watch their children. It will also deal with the small amount of anti-social behaviour we are aware of.

Maintenance will be carried out by SMBC, so no extra cost required.

The skatepark is coming to the end of it’s life and so a decision will have to be made soon. To replace it would cost approx. £20000.


  • Progress on defibrillator

  David had applied for a grant for new batteries and pads from the Macnair Trust for the Defib outside the pharmacy.  They have awarded the sum of £650.00 for the service, new pads and batteries and the cost of a replacement machine while ours is being serviced. The battery expires at the end of August. Batteries should last for 4 years and the pads last 2 years, so monies are available for more pads.

Caroline reminded us that the defib. Only has a range of 200 -500m. Users must phone the ambulance service for a code.

 Caroline checks the Defib once a week.


Sainsbury’s progress– David had contacted Richard Wood (site Project Manager) to ask for a progress report, but he is on holiday. Full conservation surveys had been carried out by Sainsburys and they won’t be installing swift boxes as the environment in High Lane is not suitable, but they will be putting up other bird boxes and bat boxes.  David told the meeting that there will be a bench provided outside the store.

A resident asked about possibility of planting on the site, and we believe that this was proposed on the original plan. 

  • Maintenance of Pharmacy Bench

Barry removed the slats off the bench, has had them sanded down, revarnished and oiled. The bench is now reassembled and complete. Thank you, Barry.


  • Invitation to SMBC Highways Department

The Head of Highways has been invited to a future meeting to discuss the impact of traffic on A6 when the latest report on pollution/air quality has been published. David has emailed her with dates of the meetings.


  • Removal of fly posters

Following a complaint from a resident about posters being left on lampposts long after the event, David emailed SMBC to find out if this is an illegal action. The resident collected some from Andrew Lane and sent photos.

Apparently, it is illegal, but SMBC accept it happens and it isn’t a problem as long as they are removed after the event.

A resident at the meeting added that the cable ties left by removing posters was another issue.

  • Local footpaths

David was contacted by a resident of Lower Fold Cottages about the footpath 74 which runs in front of the cottages. There are two maps showing two different routes of the footpath. One shows the path going through a front porch of a cottage. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that SMBC has maintained the path, but the residents have been advised to maintain it themselves to make it obvious as to which path walkers should use.

Disley Footpath Society was held up as a good example by several residents as a way of raising awareness and maintaining local footpaths. It was suggested that the RA could support a new High Lane Footpath Society.

  • Attracting new younger members

Sue and Caroline have contacted local schools as a way of engaging parents, asking for opinions about equipment in the parks.

There were some responses including one from a parent who is interested in creating wildflower areas.

It is proving difficult to attract new members.

One resident suggested involving the Scouts and another suggested holding an RA meeting at a school.

  • AO.B.

A resident the issue of SMBC spraying weedkiller around trees and posts in the village. Research has shown that it can be detrimental to wildlife and possibly humans.

Bulbs have been planted at the base of trees so we will need to see if they flower next year.

We were informed that the library toilet is now open until 8pm rather than 5pm. The toilet scheme has started in the village and stickers on the premises of those places involved are starting to appear. There is one at the library.

Another resident complained about the entrance to Park and Ride from High Lane side is always locked. She asked if a petition could be started to keep it open.

David made the point that the Park and Ride area is earmarked for a new ambulance station.

A resident asked if the Friends of the Parks group still exists and if not, could a Parks group be created working closely and supported by the RA [as the War Memorial group does]. David made the point that this is how things should be done with everyone working together.


                The next HLRA meeting will be Thursday 1st August at 8pm at the library