December 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of High Lane Residents’ Association

Date: 5th December 2024                                                                                                 Time: 8pm

Venue: High Lane Village Hall

Present: Caroline Smith; Darrell Williams; John Baker; Barry and Angie Sequeira; Sue Forrester; Sgt Rachel Walton; Sophie Broadhurst and Ahmed Aziz from the Greater Manchester Police Force

Apologies: Eryl Hughes; Cllr Shan Alexander; David Burks

  1. Welcome given by Caroline Smith
  1. Minutes of the last meeting – approved
  1. Police and Crime Report - Caroline welcomed to the meeting 3 members of GMP. The Hazel Grove, Marple and High Lane areas are now fully staffed by police personnel. 7 crimes had been reported in November: 4 from a domestic incident and 2/3 minor public order offences. Information and leaflets were shared about a new scheme called “Bee in the Loop” where residents can receive a free email from local officers about issues in High Lane. The police representatives are in the process of looking for a base to hold regular surgeries. A resident reported off road bikers on Manifold Drive and drug and cannabis smoking on Fairacres Road and other locations mainly from 6pm to 8pm in the evening. Evidence was reportedly seen of the preparation of drugs on site and incidents of drug dealing. Apparently one resident had intervened and was consequently arrested and now has a criminal record. Residents are encouraged to keep reporting any incidents of this nature to aid the police in gathering more intelligence to build a picture of the drug problem in High Lane and we were reassured that the local police remain proactive and officers would be dispatched to reported crimes if available at that time or to patrol the specified area in a Hi-Viz jacket. A concern was raised about vehicles cutting in on the approach from the A555 to High Lane. A request was put forward to the police to dispatch a traffic officer to the site to monitor these incidents of dangerous and anti-social driving.


  1. Finances by John - for your information we have received notification from Lloyds Bank that on 14th January 2025 they are changing our (and everyone else’s) Treasurers Account, “to a New Community Account, which is for not-for-profit organisations such as clubs, societies or organisations with an annual turnover of less than £250k per annum.” The main changes are that is no longer free of charge banking. There will be an “account maintenance charge of £4.25 per month” and a charge for deposits and withdrawals, these charges are per item and vary according to whether it is done online or in person and on the type of transaction. There is however”A monthly quantity of 100 items free of charge”, which I believe will be enough, for us, to only have to pay the maintenance charge.  This will mean a yearly charge of £51, if we avoid any item charges, but it will apply to both the General and War Memorial account.

The HLRA General account - we started November with a balance of £5,302.84.

Income - during November 2024, the income to HLRA has consisted of: an extra £130 in subscriptions.

Expenditure: The outgoings from the account for this month have only been 3 items:

    1. The cashing of an expenses cheques of £14.15 which was drawn to cover AGM expenses for display items
    2. An IONOS website invoice for the monthly email licensing and this month also includes the annual domain licence which totals £21
    3. The hall hire charge for last month’s meeting of £20

The total expense being £55.15.

Our account balance going forward will be £ £5,357

Barry reported that there had been no change to the War Memorial account

5. Planning applications read out by Caroline on behalf of Eryl

    • 19, Park Rd.  DC/094019 Single storey rear extension, first floor front extension and entrance canopy, rear dormer and front garden remodel. OFN
    • Sainsbury DC/ 093983. Discharge of condition 30 (part 9) of planning permission DC/ 089905  (re consultation – amended plan). Details of: paving, fencing, CCTV, pedestrian crossing (on site); 2 electric charge points; 4 accessible parking bays for EV comfort charging bays; 2 motor cycling bays ; anti ram raid bollards; 10 cycle bike shelter and bench and landscaping alongside A6
    • 5, Red Row Buxton Rd DC/092313. Outline application seeking approval for layout of detached three storey town house (3/4 bedrooms) with other matters reserved. This is the end house nearest Jackson Dairy. Difficult to object when the previous Thai Restaurant was approved.
    • Information from Stockport Council. ''Stockport Council to launch green belt review ahead of changes to planning laws”. Stockport may be forced to release some GREEN BELT LAND FOR DEVELOPMENT. Sites identified as potential for release are plots in: Heald Green East; Sandown Rd, Hazel Grove; High Lane; Offerton Sand & Gravel; former Offerton High School and Jackson Lane Hazel Grove.


  1. Sainsbury’s. Colin McCallister had received information from the developers as follows: they need to disconnect the temporary electric supply from their site from within the footway which is due to be carried out on 16th The work will need to be completed before the contractors return to site to avoid scarring the final surfacing of the footway. The contractor (George Cox) will not be returning to site this week and will now return on w/c 6th January 2025 to complete the necessary highway works.  Caroline reported that as it stands the store is due to open on Thursday 16th January 2025.


  1. Reporting Back:
    • Hartley Woods. Caroline had spoken to Phil from the Tree Station who reported that all infected trees had been felled and the timber had been removed. Pathways are still to be completed using the chippings from the felled trees plus the installation of bird and bat boxes. The bamboo has been cut back and the roots are to be treated with herbicides unless a more environmentally friendly method can be used. Caroline asked the meeting for any suggestions for an alternative method to destroy the bamboo roots. A resident asked if the herbicides would be harmful to animals and it was thought that the contractors would give enough time for the substance to be absorbed into the ground before re-opening the area. A mini wildlife scape area has been established which will be log-edged and the position of log seating is still to be discussed.
    • Trim Trail. An email had been received from David which Caroline read out to the meeting: “As you know I have asked Manchester Airport Trust for an extension to the grant in time to allow us to raise more funds before the deadline of 3 months expires, so far I have heard nothing. I have also had a meeting with Richard Booker Playground Officer for SMBC, to see what savings can be made and if any additional funding could be available. Richard is looking at savings that could be made on installation, he informs me that unlike most years there will be no spending of surplice money at the end of the year since SMBC in November had already spent 95% of their budget, and playgrounds have approx. £23 left for this year. While I am absent you may wish to take the opportunity to discuss the Adult Gym, looking at funding, what the RA are happy to contribute, looking elsewhere for support, or if you feel we should trim down or even abandon the project”. Caroline said she would make enquiries about further grants/funding but stressed that as HLRA is not a charity, this limits what we can apply for.
    • Parking on Hartington. Caroline had forwarded this problem to Cllr Aron Thornley. He planned to speak to the manager of the adult care home situated on Hartington Road. A resident reported that staff vehicles are becoming a nuisance by parking on the corner of Hartington and also on Brookside Lane.
    • Plans for next year. Caroline asked the meeting if anyone had any ideas for projects in High Lane for the coming year. The committee are going to meet in January to discuss plans for 2025.
  1. A.O.B.
  • Telecom mast. Caroline reported seeing a poster with information about an application from Cheshire East to erect a BT telecom mast inside the grounds of the new Sainsbury’s. Apparently, telecom masts fall outside the normal planning processes. Caroline had informed Stockport Council about this matter and was also planning to contact the Liverpool address given on the poster.
  • Noticeboard at Brookside Park. There has been a delay in the installation of a new noticeboard outside Brookside Park due to some parts being shipped from France. The possibility of claiming a refund against the cost of the noticeboard due to the delay, was discussed.  Caroline would contact Cllr Shan Alexander to enquire.
  • Post Office. An email had been received from Lisa Smart MP which Caroline read out to the meeting: “I am writing to update you on what I've been doing on Post Office closures. In Hazel Grove constituency, we have already seen closures of Post Offices, most recently at High Lane and Fiveways Parade in Hazel Grove. These closures have at least in part been because of the commercial pressures on the postmasters. I've been working to attract interest in post office services, speaking to a range of potential parties to take up the postmaster position. However, we have already seen two potential postmasters walk away from providing services in High Lane as the current remuneration package is insufficient. In the meantime, Post Office Ltd have developed proposals to increase remuneration to local postmasters by £120 million in 2025, and by £250 million by 2030. Without this, isolated and rural areas face decimated services. I've written to the Post Office Minister to call for an urgent decision on these proposals from Post Office Ltd to increase support for postmasters – a crucial hurdle for getting postal offices returned. I’ve also spoken about this during speeches in the House of Commons. I'm still looking to talk to local business owners who might be interested in hosting post offices, particularly with the potential for increased remuneration. People living in isolation need these services to be maintained, and any certainty that can be provided about better support for postmasters will make it easier to reinstate services at the earliest possible date.” 
  • Railway work. The work on the railway embankment along from Brookside Park is nearly complete and is due to be finished by 23 December weather permitting. The brook which flows under the railway and under the tunnel had worn away and damaged the corner of the bank. The stonework has been re-built and a concrete base has been laid on the river bed to create a channel for the water to flow through. This should last for another 25 – 30 years. A question was raised whether the road over the bridge would be re-surfaced. 
  • A6 pollution. A promised report still hadn’t been received regarding the effects of increased traffic through High Lane due to the building of the A555. Caroline had contacted Sue Stevenson from Stockport Council but has had no reply. She will contact MP Lisa Smart about this matter.
  • Bulbs had been donated by Nottcutts and Alison and Warren have plans to plant some on grassy areas outside the doctor’s surgery; outside Tomlinson Parbans; at the top of Carr Brow and at the railway road outside the entrance to Brookside School.
  • Land around the milestone. The land around the milestone on the A6 is still very overgrown and plans to cut it this year haven’t taken place. 17 sycamore saplings have now taken root up against property walls. Caroline thought that it was council land but they haven’t been cutting it. Caroline would raise the matter again with Stockport Council. Thanks were given to Alison and Warren for cutting the grass in front of the milestone and keeping it clean. Alison wondered about the possibility of involving people from the allotments.
  • Russell Avenue. A resident reported that Russell Avenue is being used as a rat run for cars trying to avoid the congestion on the A6. Nursery and dental staff are parking on the bend and on the pavement thereby restricting the passage of vehicles and pedestrians. Caroline would ask Cllr Aron Thornley to investigate.
  • Beechway/Thornway. A collapse of the sewerage system had instigated the use of traffic cones and bollards around the area. This had led to incidences of vehicle users moving the cones and driving onto the pavements and also some abuse.
  • Pharmacy. A resident reported it is difficult to pay with cash at the pharmacy as they don’t seem to have any change and payments have to be made by card. Because of the closure of the post office the pharmacy have no access to cash or change.
  • Sign on the A6. The village sign on the right as you enter High Lane still says, “Thigh Lane”. A resident asked if the T could be removed. Caroline would contact the council.
  • Park & Ride entrance. The access to the Park & Ride car park from the A6 has been closed for a while. Caroline reported that David has already investigated this matter and would speak to him about it. Caroline would also contact the bus company to enquire as to the reason for the closure.


There will be no meeting in January 2025.


The next HLRA meeting will be on Thursday 6 February 2025 at 8pm at the Village Hall