October 22 minutes




MINUTES OF MEETING 6th October 2022, 8pm at High Lane Library

Present: David Burks (Chair), Angie Sequeira, Barry Sequeira, Darrell Williams, Eryl Hughes, Helen Richardson, Hilary Stephenson, Stephen Price (the Executive Committee); PCSO Simon Carr, and Residents

Apologies: Anne Walker, Councillor Shan Alexander




The minutes of the last meeting were approved.



Police: PCSO Simon Carr was welcomed to the meeting, Simon has taken over the community role for our area from PCSO Gary Appleyard who has moved to a new position.

A Community Neighbourhood Watch Event is being held at Stockport Guildhall, 6pm-9pm Tuesday 25 October 2022 for anyone interested in attending.



Finance: Barry reported on income following delivery of the Newsletter to all addresses in the village which included an appeal for funds. Barry thanked those who have paid subscriptions and made some generous donations, but noted that the number of households making contributions is sadly down on previous years.

The nett income from HLRA’s 90th Anniversary Celebration was circa £600. It was proposed and agreed that a donation of £150 from this would be made to High Lane Village Neighbourhood Forum, in gratitude for their help and support at the event and in recognition of their need for funds to continue their valuable work on behalf of the Village.



Local planning: Eryl’s report was printed on the agenda; no actions required. The ongoing application for Orford Close is to be considered by Area Committee. It was also understood that the Co-Op’s application for the Dog and Partridge site has not yet progressed any further.



Progress on ongoing items:

a)       Parking outside the social services property on Hartington Road has now stopped following reinstatement of the yellow lines but vehicles are now parking on the pavement on Brookside Lane instead, causing other problems. Dangerous and inconsiderate parking of HGV’s on the canal bridge and outside the Medical Centre continues. David has established that enforcement of no-parking restrictions on yellow lines is a Council responsibility and not a police matter.

b)      Dates are still awaited from the Council for the removal of the speed humps on Windlehurst Road between the junctions with Andrew Lane and Torkington Road and for the trial closure of access to Hartington Road from Park Road to monitor effects on rat-running.

c)       Colin has sent a reminder to Andy Burgess in relation to the refurbishment of the owl sculpture in Hartley Woods.

d)      It was agreed that the next HLRA Village Litter Pick will be in Spring 2023.

e)      Barry has spoken to Cllr Thornley concerning (i) ‘fair play’ in relation to parking of commercial vehicles on Brookside Lane car park and (ii) the need for a competent and long term repair to the sunken manhole cover near the shops on Buxton Road.

f)        Eryl raised the problem of weeds growing extensively through the recently laid tarmac footpath surfacing on the Lakes estate.

g)       Helen has reported the blocked road gullies on Carr Brow.

h)      David reminded everyone that the links for reporting issues to the Council can be found on our website hlra.org.uk











Our AGM is to be held at the Village Hall on Wednesday 26th October 2022, doors open 7:30pm for a prompt start at 8:00pm.  All welcome.

a)       Paul Vickers of Home Instead is our guest speaker, to talk about scams. Entertainment will be by the High Lane U3A Choir. There will be a raffle, with prizes including a hamper generously donated by Home Instead.

b)      Appointments to the Executive Committee will be confirmed as part of the AGM proceedings.   All current members of the Executive Committee confirmed they are willing to be nominated for the following year. An application for membership of the Committee was also received from Carole Gibson; this was proposed by Helen and seconded by Angie.



Marple Review: David is in touch with the paper’s editor to increase High Lane’s coverage in future editions – any contributions to be sent to David for the next edition.




a)       Greater Manchester Environment Grants: Eryl, David and Barry will meet to consider potential applications for funding projects.

b)      Warren’s suggestion for new planters, new bin and replacement bench and to improve the arrival at the Village at the Disley boundary was discussed, which may be suitable for a funding application above and/or application to a wildlife trust.

c)       Refurbishment of the bus shelter opposite the War Memorial is to be put back on the agenda; Barry already has agreement with Tomlinson Parbans for free supply of materials, but skilled labour is required. Suggestion that a notice be placed in Tomlinsons for this.

d)      David reminded the meeting that volunteer task leaders are needed who are willing to attend SMBC’s next risk assessment training day (a date for this has been requested).




a)       A sincere “thank you” was recorded to all those who gave their time and energy to help with and support HLRA’s 90th Anniversary Celebration event, who helped make it a memorable and successful occasion.

b)      Barry confirmed that the wreath for the Remembrance Service has been ordered.

c)       It was noted that Marple Civic Society are holding their AGM at Marple Library, 10am on 8 October 2022.




Next Meeting Thursday 1st December 2022 at 8pm High Lane Library

(Note: there will be no residents’ meeting in November but the Committee can be contacted by email on contact@hlra.org.uk)