June 24 Minutes



High Lane Residents' Association

Thursday 6th  Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of High Lane Residents’ Association

Date: 6th June 2024                                                                      Time: 8pm

Venue: High Lane Library

Present: David Burks; Darrell Williams; Eryl Hughes; Cllr Shan Alexander; Sue Forrester; John Baker; Barry and Angela Sequiera; Cllr Aron Thornley

Apologies: Caroline Smith and Helen Richardson

  1. Welcome given by David Burks.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting – amendment to May’s minutes (item 7) regarding lack of a bus service through High Lane to Stepping Hill Hospital. Amendment – there is a 394 bus from Glossop through High Lane to Stepping Hill.
  3. Police Report - David stated that more than likely due to other duties and holiday leave, they weren’t able to attend the meeting tonight.  He reconfirmed that High Lane does still have a very low crime level and is probably one of the best areas to live in Stockport and he appreciates that the police’s attention is focussed on other areas.
  4. Finance Report by John and Barry. John read through his Treasurers report. The last statement on 1st May showed a balance of £3,355.47 and since then, no further subscriptions have been received.  2 requests for reimbursement of expenses have been received: one from Sue Forrester of £16.98 for stationery supplies and one from Barry Sequeira for £34.66 for oil preservative to be used on the bench outside the doctors resulting in a total expenditure of £51.64.  With these payments taken into account the current bank balance stands at £3,320.81.  Barry reported that a good amount of money was still being made from the book table at the surgery - £62.94 at the time of speaking. £168.19 has been spent on flowers for planters around the village leaving the balance standing at £2069.57


  1. Planning applications by Eryl


Orange mast chs 7053 Buxton Rd DC/091784.  Electronic communication regulation 2003 permitted development. Proposed upgrade of existing installation at Carr Brow and Buxton Rd. NGR 395920 385180.

i   11 Deanway  DC/091903. Loft conversion to form bedroom and en-suite wet room - (one for the neighbours). Note: just for information and not for common use there seems to          be some extension at the back. Looked for the previous application but failed to find one. Wonder if there was an application?

 ii  45, Hartington Rd  DC/091886. Garage conversion with front bay extension and detached garage, with room above – one for the neighbours

iii  Poplar Way  DC/091890. Single storey side extension. External rooftop installation of a 40 KW solar PV system. Proposed roof is at the back of the building and can't be seen           from the road, or surrounding properties. There is a great deal of information about the technical strength of the panels - no issue with this – one for the neighbours

iv  Bridgefield Close  DC/091851. Single storey rear extension – one for the neighbours

 v  10, Grasmere Cres.  DC/092015. Single storey rear extension and 2 storey side extension – one for the neighbours

vi   6 Orford Close  DC/092099. Proposed single storey rear extension – one for the neighbours

The projection of the proposed extension beyond the rear wall of the original rear wall of the original home is 4.50 mts.

The maximum height of the proposed extension is 3mts

The height of the eves of the proposed extension is 3 mts

vii       Bulls Head PB  DC/ 091984. Remove existing seating area with part glazed/ part  timber boarded single storey side extension - (OFTN) adjoining and other side of the canal

 viii         8 Grasmere Crescent DC/091714.  Proposed single storey rear extension and garage conversion – one for the neighbours

  ix         91 Windlehurst Rd D/C091706. Proposed single storey rear extension with balcony – one for the neighbours

  x         Doodfield works DC/091875. External rooftop installation of solar panels

  xi        Plot of land on the left down the A6 opposite Shores Farm – advertised for sale as land suitable for infill


  1. A6 Pollution. Angela spoke about the impact of the A555 bringing increased traffic and pollution through High Lane. A baseline study was undertaken before the A555 was built. Another study was promised a year later which was to be at the same date, time and conditions as the baseline study so the impact could be fairly evaluated - that didn’t happen. A report was produced but it didn’t adhere to the baseline study of date, time and conditions.  This study should have shown traffic flow data; journey time analysis; cycling and pedestrian data; bus data; air quality assessment; noise assessment; ecology; greenhouse gases emissions assessment; economy and health impact.  This should have taken place one year after the opening of the A555. The 5-year monitoring evaluation was due to happen in 2023.  There is no indication that this actually took place.  Angela had emailed various councillors and also Lisa Smart.  Eventually Lisa Smart managed to get a response from Sue Stevenson (Senior Officer for Highways).  Sue Stevenson apologised for the delay in responding.  She was waiting for conformation from various consultants undertaking the studies for the 5-yr report.  The data collection period for the studies is almost finished and then each element will have its own report.  Questions raised by Angela were why wasn’t the data collected in 2023 and can we be confident that they have used the same criteria as the baseline study eg same date; same time and same conditions – she stressed that this has to be monitored very carefully.  The one year report should have been sent to HLRA but was only received after a great deal of insistence.  Sue Stevenson has said that the reports should be created in the next few months and the final overall report will be drafted and published on our website in late autumn.  She has said that when the report is available, she is happy to attend a residents meeting if invited, to discuss the results.  Angela recognised Darrell’s input in helping her to understand the 1-year report.  David stated that he will email Sue Stevenson with an invitation to a residents meeting and will confirm with her nearer the time (late autumn). 


  1. Reporting Back:


  • Litter Pick – Barry reported that the recent litter picking event was very successful with 25 volunteers turning up on the day. 40 bags of rubbish were collected and everyone worked very hard.  Angela added that it was a good day and congratulations to all involved. David asked if there was going to be another litter pick later in the year.  Barry replied that no, probably not as the autumn leaves cover up much of the litter but some local residents undertake their own litter pick when walking around the village and surrounding areas.  There is big problem with littering at the 2 laybys by the Middlewood Way where the lorries park.  David also noted that the hedgerows along the A6 in that area need cutting back as they are causing a restricted passage for pedestrians.
  • Meeting with Richard Booker (Parks) re: funding for Adult Equipment and type required. Meetings had taken place between David, Eryl and Caroline about improving the park areas for the benefit of the residents.  David spoke about the siting of new swings at Brookside Park which has been agreed and the consideration of an adult gym for High Lane Park.  Funds received so far add up to £5,900 but realistically a sum of £10,000 would be required to do a good job.  David distributed some drawings of the type of equipment we could hope to get for the budget and asked the meeting for any suggestions.  He is planning to approach The Lottery Fund and Manchester Airport to apply for a grant to try and get the funds up to £10,000.  Eryl had previously contacted Spar but had no news to report.  David stressed that this scheme is hopefully something that can be added to in later years and it is primarily for the well being of the residents at no cost to themselves.  The site chosen will have good visibility of the playground and skateboard areas therefore parents who choose to use the equipment whilst their children are playing in other areas of the park, will be able to see them.  A question was asked whether the costings would include the surface area of the adult gym and which materials would be used.  Eryl replied that paving slabs covered in rubber is one option but the most cost effective option would be covering the area in hardcore, sand and then artificial grass. A question was put forward about who maintains the equipment.  David replied that Stockport Council would oversee the inspection and maintenance of the equipment to the required safety standards.  He added that at the moment the funds remain with the council and they will be in charge of ordering the equipment – this way there will be no VAT to pay.  Parks in Heaton Norris, Handforth, Buxton and New Mills have something similar to the plans for High Lane Park and David invited members of the meeting to visit these parks to get an idea of what the adult gym would look like. Eryl thought that a variety of equipment (cardiac and strength) would be beneficial. Eryl thanked Shan for looking after High Lane by securing the funding from Marple Area Committee.  Richard is contacting firms and getting quotes for equipment within that price range of £6,000 or £10,000 and David is hopeful that by the next meeting he should have some more news on that.
  • Application for Macnair Trust Grant (Defib) - David had applied for a grant for new batteries and pads from the Macnair Trust for the Defib outside the pharmacy. They have awarded the sum of £650.00 for the service, new pads and batteries and the cost of a replacement machine while ours is being serviced.  David was thanked for his efforts in acquiring the grant.  Caroline checks the Defib once a week.  A question was asked if there are any instructions at the site of the machine - there are audio instructions when someone picks it up but it only has a range of about 200 yards.  Eryl had circulated a memo about a refresher course in using the Defib but he pointed out that there was only about 6 people who were interested.  He went on to say that a CPR course might be a more preferable option but it comes at a cost and it was something that Caroline was looking into.  Peter is a member of the British Red Cross and he invited people present at the meeting to attend a training session in the future.  David thanked Peter and asked him to keep HLRA in the loop.
  • Notice Board Brookside Park – David thanked the Marple Area Committee for donating the monies (about £1,000 for manufacture and art work) for the installation of the new noticeboard. Himself and Caroline had met with Richard Booker and the decision was made to site the noticeboard at the side of the farm gates leading down into the valley where it would be more visible and easily accessible than the previous site.  Magnetic pins are provided.  Shan asked David to clarify with Richard Booker the amount of monies given by MAC for the new swings at Brookside Park/adult gym at High Lane Park and the noticeboard at Brookside Park.
  • Sainsbury’s progress (including nature concerns) – David contacted Richard Wood (site Project Manager) and he reported that the work is going quite well. One advantage of the recent closure of the A6 in Disley meant less traffic and Sainsburys have used that opportunity to progress with the work on the entrance.  Full conservation surveys had been carried out by Sainsburys and they won’t be installing swift boxes as the environment in High Lane is not suitable but they will be putting up other bird boxes and bat boxes.  David told the meeting that there will be a bench provided outside the store.  Aron also added that the store is due to be opened in October.  A question was asked about the possibility of a commuted sum to be given to High Lane because of the new development.  David replied that it is usually when houses are built that a commuted sum is given as there would be more footfall in parks and schools.  Eryl remarked that a lot of these firms tend to support local initiatives.  Shan has offered to check that there are no commuted sums available from the Sainsbury’s build.
  • Stockport Talking Newspaper – David had been contacted by STN and he had visited the studio along with his wife Janet and friend Carol who are actively involved in a sharing memories of High Lane residents project. They supplied a piece for the magazine. He explained that it is a newspaper for the blind and partially sighted residents of Stockport based at Walthew House.  He asked if anyone was interested in making a contribution to the newspaper by talking about their memories of High Lane, funny stories or events that are taking place.  David had leaflets available with more information – the newspaper is published weekly via a USB stick which people return in a pre-paid envelope.  Helen Richardson had recorded her memories of the village using a mobile phone but STN recommended purchasing a Zoom unit at a cost of £65 to £70 for a much better quality of recording.  David asked the meeting for their approval to purchase the unit which was given.
  • Sunflower Display Old Station – the patch of land has been cleared and the sunflowers are being cultivated in a greenhouse in Poynton. GoodGym have helped to clear much of the area along with help from some committee members.  David and Barry praised the members of GoodGym saying that they come from all over Manchester and instead of paying money by going to a gym, they provide manual work within local areas. David is going to spray the area if we get a window of good weather and peat will be laid.  He asked for volunteers when the time comes to collect the sunflowers from the greenhouse and to help with the planting.
  • Maintenance of Pharmacy Bench – Barry remarked that ultra violet rays have stained the wooden planks on the bench to a grey colour instead of the original red mahogany colour.  He took a sample to Tomlinsons who provided the wood in the first instance and they recommended treating it with Osmo oil.  Barry was hopeful that they could put the planks through the planer and then he could treat them with the oil but apparently this procedure would wreck the planer.  They advised using a bench and a belt sander which Barry isn’t equipped to do.  He found a joinery shop in New Mills who will prepare the wood and return it to a decent colour ready for Barry to treat it.  Eryl asked how long it would last before having to be treated again.  The consensus was about 2 years so Barry intends to give the bench an extra coating to see if it will last longer than 2 years.

8     A.O.B.

  • A question was asked about the demolition of Marple Baths and if anyone at the meeting knew what plans were in place for that site – the answer was in the negative
  • Thanks to Warren and Alison who had bought a variety of spring bulbs donated by Stockport Council and Notcutts which were destined to go to landfill. They invited attendees to take some home with them. Warren and Alice plant up the planters around the village and commented that they spend a good amount of time cleaning and painting the planters which are often dirtied by sit-on lawn mowers and sprays used by the council
  • The grass in High Lane Park has been cut recently and is very patchy with the mown grass left to mulch. Another comment was that the hedges along the A6 towards Disley are so overgrown that they are concealing the speed limit signs.  Shan will ask for them to be cut.  Stockport Council no longer maintain and clean road signs.
  • The bus stop just before the Royal Oak is falling over and needs attention
  • A resident once again reported that youths are congregating to smoke cannabis on Fairacres near the flats and behind Parbans – he expressed that it is an area of concern. He has informed the police but received a poor response. David explained that the police have a priority order when crimes are reported eg endanger to life would be a high priority and the smoking of cannabis, a low priority.  In previous times patrol cars had visited the area and the dealers had moved on.  There seems to be a shuttle service from Orford to Andrew Lane with youths hooded up and on electric bikes
  • A resident reported that there is some graffiti on Deanway
  • A member of the meeting had information about scammers who are claiming to be from Virgin Media. He had had a phone call telling him that he owed a payment and asking for his bank details to be given by placing his mobile phone on the router.  They can then access any banking details that are on your phone.  He has since reported the incident to Virgin Media and the fraud department.  David warned attendees to be vigilant and if in any doubt, hang up the phone and call your bank
  • The wooden sign indicating the Middlewood Way which was falling over, has been reinstated

Due to the General Election The next HLRA meeting will be Tuesday 9 July at 8pm