April 24 Minutes



High Lane Residents' Association

Thursday 4th Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of High Lane Residents’ Association

Date: 4th April 2024                                                                     Time: 8pm

Venue: High Lane Library

Present: David Burks; Caroline Smith; Darrell Williams; Cllr Shan Alexander; Colin McAlister; Sue Forrester; John Baker; Barry Sequiera; Angela Sequiera and Helen Richardson

Apologies: Eryl Hughes

  1. Welcome given by David Burks. David explained that he had purchased a digital recorder and asked if any members present had any objections if he used it to record the meeting. No objections were raised. There was no police presence at the meeting.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting – amendment to last month’s minutes regarding lack of litter bins around the village - Shan was to request a bin near the Lime Lounge restaurant and another in front of the SPAR on the A6 – there is already a litter bin in situ outside Spar
  3. Finance Report by John and Barry. Barry reported that the sum of monies from the books in the doctor’s surgery stands at £80.00.  He went on to say that there is no room at the moment for any more contributions and if anyone has any books to donate, to give them to Barry. John told the meeting that online banking access to the HLRA account has been finalised.  Himself and Sue Forrester now have access to the main bank account but Barry will still manage the War Memorial account as usual.  He explained that the website licencing can be better managed using online banking and he thanked Stephen Price for his patience in maintaining this while the bank change over has been sorted out.  The bank account for the 1st April is showing a balance of £3,372.45.  There has been no further income since 4th March and there  are currently no requests for reimbursement of expenses, however website invoices for February, March and April are  now outstanding - £9 for each month = £27.00. When these have been applied, the bank balance will stand at £3,345.45.


  1. Planning applications: on behalf of Eryl


No9 Carr Brow  DC/091418 - Pollard T16 Oak tree, close with boundary with no7 Carr Brow TPO 198E

142 Buxton Rd  - DC /091374 - Neighbouring house to the left from the road no 144 is expressing concerns regarding the density and size of the Lime tree G1 left side of driveway. They seem to be damaging the wall and also potentially the property adjacent. The four Limes are dwarfed by some large Beech trees but they are at a height where natural light can pass through as freely as opposed the Limes which are creating a mass of darkess and creating damp issues on the property and grounds. An application to remove the 4 Limes to ground level allowing the Birch trees to survive from the available space and creating natural light for the client - a pollard would only create more issues to the client due to the epicormic growth that will follow a pollard so feel a full removal is more suitable for this location. 

6 Windlehurst Hall   DC/091316 Retrospective planning application for the erection of a single storey conservatory – (one for the neighbours)

74 Windlehurst Rd.  DC/091479 Single storey rear and side extension – (one for the neighbours)

Cornerways 38 Carr Brow  DC/091495 Erection of a single storey outbuilding - (one for the neighbours)

It may be interesting for the committee and residents to hear about this. As you go down the A6 the layby on the right. Fastened to  gate is a sign saying LAND FOR SALE. with development potential. 14 acres offers over £840,000. 2 acres (44m by 35m ) offers over £129,000. It has the land as Threaphurst Lane but looking at a map the land extends from the A6 borders Threaphurst Lane and as far as I can tell also Middlewood Way. There is more information on this on Right Move. Although it does not say why the land is being sold, who by or whether there is any interest from developers. I understand that around 2016/17 that Taylor Wimpy expressed an interest in this land. Are they possibly looking again?  

  1. Reporting Back:


  • Meeting with Richard Booker (Parks) re Funding for Adult Equipment –Eryl/ David

An amount of £3000 has been allocated for the parks in High Lane from the discretionary budget from Marple Area Committee.  David intends to get a match funding from Manchester Airport but at the moment they are not accepting any applications but they will be re-opening very soon so an application will be made to hopefully turn the £3000 to £6000.  David understands from Richard that the money doesn’t have to be spent by the 1st April but as long as it’s been allocated everything will be fine.  A question was raised as to whether this initiative is essentially aimed at Brookside Park or High Lane Park. David replied that the Adult Gym equipment is to be situated in High Lane Park. Himself, Richard and Eryl are looking at an area as you approach from the A6 where the footpath splits because children on the play area can still be seen by adults using the gym equipment and there is also good visual coverage of the park and the skateboard area.  The aim is that if more adults are using the park, it will cut down on any anti-social behaviour on the park.  A question was raised about the condition of the ground.  David replied that the area was very wet but the ground will be flattened in preparation and hopefully this would overcome that problem.  Comments were made about the condition of the play area especially around the zipwire area and David agreed that it needs looking at in the future if more money becomes available. He went on to explain that the Adult Gym will be fairly simple but hopefully it will be of use to adults and teenagers over 13. Also the football teams could use it to warm up on and it could be the start of a project that perhaps could be extended in the future.

  • Application for Grant (Defib) – estimates have been obtained by Caroline to refurbish the defibrillator and it’s going to cost around £600 for a new battery and to bring it up to standard. David has applied to the Macnair Trust for a grant but has had no response as yet but is hopeful that in the next few weeks the grant will have been approved.
  • SpeedWatch – a recent and current SpeedWatch event on Hartington Road undertaken by Alan James and others has resulted in a number of notices being issued from Hartington, Meadway and Thornway - this is now in the hands of the police. David remarked that this initiative seems to be working.
  • Notice Board Brookside Park – the old noticeboard has been removed. The design of the noticeboard - Brookside Community Notices - will be similar to the one in Marple – metal and in black and using magnetic pins.  David has discussed with Richard the location of the noticeboard and it has been decided to position it where the gate is which leads onto the path down towards the farm. That way it will be seen by people entering the park and people walking into the valley area.  Marple’s logo will be included on the design along with the HLRA logo underneath. David showed the meeting a draft drawing of the proposed signage. The magnets will be provided by HLRA and will be locked away securely behind the glass.  Shan mentioned that a local artist has designed the new noticeboard and the monies have been provided by Marple Area Committee - David  thanked Shan.  She went on to say that M.A.C. has also given some money to fund play equipment at Brookside Park – David had already discussed this with Richard and as the present equipment is mainly for toddlers, the new equipment will be for older children. Shan remarked that Marple Council had also been involved in a financial way and David expressed his gratitude.
  • Wildlife (Swifts/Bluebells) – Sally told the meeting about the decline in and rarity of seeing swifts and house martins in High Lane. David stated that there is a possibility of placing swift boxes in the trees in Hartley Woods but Stockport Council would have to be informed and any boxes situated at height would have to be installed by a professional and insured person but Sally pointed out that swifts need an open area devoid of trees in order to sweep in to roosting places. David is going to approach Sainsburys about the possibility of installing swift boxes in the brickwork. Sally emphasised that special bricks where swifts can roost need to be put in place at the building stage and it was part of Sainsburys remit to provide a greener environment and deliver an access to all wildlife as part of their agenda.  David stressed that it was up to Sainsburys how they would honour their pledge to support wildlife in High Lane. A question was asked whether any swifts had been seen in the village.  Sally replied that there are 3 colonies of swift population in the village mainly in farm buildings.   She went on to explain that swift boxes can be purchased from the RSPCA or from Men in Sheds (Poynton) and online.  The other wildlife project is planting some bluebells in Hartley Wood obtaining the bulbs from Cheshire Wildlife Trust or the Royal Horticultural Society.  Shan suggested contacting Lyme Park.  Angela mentioned that several of the members of the RHS have huge gardens themselves and may be able to donate some bluebell bulbs.


  1. Local Car Parking – David had received a few emails concerning parking in the Village Car Park by vans, lorries and campervans which are taking up a great deal of the parking bays. Local residents who live in cottages on Windlehurst Road and don’t necessarily have their own private parking space and can’t park on the road want to make use of the village car park.  David reported that people with mobility problems who want to visit the surgery or pharmacy are unable to find a car parking space and often try and park on Russell Avenue which can create problems.  He asked members present if they had any ideas on this issue.  Also parking on the laybys at the entrances to the Middlewood Way is another issue.  Helen pointed out that one particular vehicle – a transit van – has been parked there for at least 4 months and is restricting the pedestrian space from the pavement verge to the hedge. It was a noted that a car is now permanently parked behind it as well.  Members speculated whether the van and car belonged to someone who lives on one of the houses on the other side of the bridge and if he is running business eg a haulage company he should have made provision for parking on his own property.  David said he has reported the vehicle using the Stockport Council form/link on the website. Following on from any car parking reports, Council workers will visit the site that and if vehicles are parked illegally they will put a warning notice on the windscreen.  David suggested that the laybys and car parks should have a parking limit notice of 12-24 hours and the question arose “who would enforce that?” – possibly the local residents?  Shan went on to say that her understanding is that vehicle owners can’t be prosecuted for parking on laybys.  David suggested that local residents who have no parking space of their own could apply for a permit to park in the car park.  At the moment the car park outside the surgery and pharmacy is short stay only - more prominent signage is needed.  It was noted that some vehicles parked up have a for sale sign displayed in the window which means that the village is subsidising someone’s business. Brookside Car Park also has the same problem with cars that seemed to be parked there permanently.  The question of the installation of cameras arose which has financial implications – not so much the price of the camera but the installation of it and Shan stated that there has to be 3 serious accidents before the council will consider installing a camera.  David suggested that during the hours when the surgery and pharmacy are open, the car park should be used by people using those facilities and not for local residents parking.  The new Sainsburys will probably install a limited time car parking for people using the supermarket with the use of ANPR cameras.  A remark was made that we have to be careful how we approach this problem  because the council may decide to install parking meters.  Since the lorry park was taken away at The Rising Sun the laybys are often used by lorry drivers who by law have to have a rest break during their working day.  David asked if everyone was in favour of some kind of parking notices and it was suggested that he should approach Stockport Council to consider it.


  1. Local Transport (TfGM 2025) – David welcomed Colin McCallister to the meeting and gave thanks to Shan Alexander for her attendance. David explained that Stockport will be incorporated into the Grt Manchester transport system in 2025 and will come under the control of Andy Burnham if he is still in office. Any suggestions for improving the transport system in High Lane need to be put forward before the franchise opens up.  Some points/suggestions were put forward:
  • although High Lane is within the Grt Manchester area, our bus service (the 199) is supplied by a company in Derbyshire
  • no buses from High Lane go into Stepping Hill making it difficult for residents to access the services there
  • a member of the meeting stated that if the 394 bus Glossop came under TfGM control it could be enhanced and made more frequent and asked if Colin would put this forward as a consideration to try and solve the transport problems
  • a possible route was suggested that a small bus from the village could visit Park & Ride; Hazel Grove station; Stepping Hill then stopping at Asda and Sainsbury, coming back up to High Lane turning round via Andrew Lane to the bottom of Windlehurst Road and then back again maybe extending the route to Marple as well therefore linking trains and buses
  • the 192 to continue to High Lane every half an hour – an easy solution for TfGM
  • a small hospital bus from Park & Ride to Stepping Hill

Colin mentioned that Stagecoach is using the Park & Ride facilities for turn round purposes only and aren’t interested in developing the area for other bus services and the original scheme that people would leave their vehicles in Park & Ride and continue their journey via the 192, isn’t working.  He also thought that some of the space maybe be used for a  further housing development or an ambulance station.  It was noted that without the Park & Ride facility there is an ever greater need for better transport access given to High Lane towards Stockport to reduce the volume of traffic.  Colin agreed and went on to say that TfGM won’t be bringing in the Stockport elements until the 3rd tranchee which is next year and won’t be looking at any routes until then.  David asked Colin if he would recommend asking High Lane residents via a survey if they would use the half-hourly 192 bus service if it continued to the village. Colin replied that every bit of evidence we could gather would be beneficial.  He also asked Colin when everything moves into the TfGM scheme will bus companies like Skyline and High Peak services that come into the Manchester area be pushed out or incorporated.  Colin replied that he isn’t certain of how cross bordering will operate and went on to say that the Stockport fleet will be all electric – the out-of-area buses will be hybrids.


  1. Litter Pick 20th April – Barry reported that out of the regular volunteers that have offered their services previously, only 6 Barry have agreed to take part in the litter pick this month. He has been recruiting more litter pickers and has made some progress – he recruited 16 last year and at the moment has 15.  The question of the number of litter pickers needed on Threaphurst Lane was raised.  An idea was put forward that 2 people would start at the A6 end and 2 at the opposite end of Threaphurst Lane depending on the number of volunteers available. Barry is trying to cut back on some areas in High Lane eg the Red Lion car park and the Conservative Club.  Volunteers will litter pick the surgery car park as usual.  He is thinking of stopping the canal pick-up at Andrew Lane instead of going on to Doodfield bridge – the canal tow paths are fairly clean.  High Lane Park is now included in the litter pick.  Barry asked for a volunteer to make tea and coffee on Saturday 20th April from 11am to 1pm - David has a person in mind for that and will contact them.  Barry remarked that on walking round the village this morning he noticed how clean and litter-free it seemed.  This is due to local people/dog walkers picking up any litter as they go about their daily business. A few areas eg the back of the tennis club and near Brookside School haven’t been included in the litter pick because of the wet ground conditions. Barry replied that on his walk round he noted that these areas are immaculate . A request for a litter bin outside Parbans on the site of the old postbox has been put forward to Stockport Council via Shan.  Colin said he was happy to try and recruit more volunteers - Barry thanked Colin and said he would contact him nearer the time if he felt more litter pickers were needed.


  1. AO.B
  • Community Toilet Scheme – Shan mentioned that the stickers for the Community Toilet Scheme in High Lane are ready to print and the locations will be advertised on the noticeboards. It’s a voluntary scheme for local businesses to give something back to the community.
  • Bridge over the A555 – the question was asked about unauthorised vehicles crossing the bridge over the A555. The camera in situ captures an image of any cars using the bridge and the information is sent to a private franchise resulting in a fine for the motorist.
  • Wain Homes – a member of the meeting had heard that Wain Homes has put in a bid to build on green belt land in Bramhall claiming that it isn’t actually green belt, it’s brown fill. Colin replied that he had been in touch with Wain Homes and the land they are considering is a previously-built on area of brownfield land within the green belt area.  He went on to say that himself and his colleagues in Bramhall are opposing it and everyone will have the right to consult on the topic when the plans come out in a few months’ time.
  • Sunflower display – David will be meeting Owen to measure up the piece of land on High Lane Station. It will be twice the size of the Union Jack flag that was planted last year. GoodGym have offered to help do the heavy work of digging the site over in late May/June and David will consult with Owen when his plants are going to be ready.  Volunteers may still be required if GoodGym’s availability doesn’t coincide with Owen’s dates for the proposed planting of the sunflowers.
  • Stockport Talking Newspaper (a newspaper for people with visual problems) – they have made contact with David asking for news from High Lane. He went on to say that if anyone has good stories or tales of interest to let David know.  He also asked if anyone is interested in writing articles for the Parish newspaper; the Marple and High Lane newspaper and the HLRA website.
  • Removal of speed bumps – Colin was asked if there were any plans to remove the last few speed bumps on Windlehurst Road and the answer was in the negative. The road markings that have been painted onto the road in place of the removed speedbumps seem to be helping to slow the traffic down – it is a psychological tactic. He reported that the installation of the speedbumps on Windlehurst was part of the A555 scheme and came under planning permission and not under the Highways regulations. Colin went on to say that the most optimum time for removal of the speed bumps is when they are due to be repaired as there will be a financial incentive.  Thanks given to Colin for his support and help in this matter.
  • A555 impact on High Lane - the topic of heavy traffic coming through the village and the pollution that it causes was discussed briefly. Colin remarked that the Clean Air Zone is around the centre of Manchester and therefore Stockport is outside of that area which a member of the committee was concerned about. Darrell spoke about the monitoring of the air pollution which is taking place but it was argued that it is not taking into the account the impact of traffic using the A555.  It was mentioned that there has been no response from Stockport Council about evaluating and monitoring the traffic through High Lane.  This should have happened within 5 years according to the business case.  David had emailed Cllr Grace Bailey and Cllr Sue Stevenson.  Colin promised to follow up on this issue.
  • A555 planted trees – John asked if Colin knew who was responsible for the trees that have been planted along the grass verges on the A555 as part of the environmental contract – a good number of them are not growing or have fallen over. He thought it might be Highways England but he will investigate further.
  • Library broken drainpipe – the library drainpipe had been broken once again by children gaining access via the drainpipe to retrieve a football. Colin to report the issue.


The next HLRA meeting will be Thursday 6 June at 8pm