High Lane Development Plan policies

The full Plan is avilable to view at the local libraries and at www.hlvnf.org

If you find it a long read then they have produced a policies in one place document. Here it is!



HLVNF Development Plan Policies


Policy T1 Mitigating Local Traffic Impacts of Development and Improving Air Quality

Proposals for major new development will be permitted provided it is established that the development:

• would not be likely to lead to an adverse effect on air quality in any areas of High Lane which exceed Air Quality Objectives for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) or other pollutants at the time of the development proposal; and

• would not be likely to lead to exceedences of Air Quality Limit Values. Any mitigation measures needed to offset any potential adverse effect on air quality may include some or all of the following, where appropriate:

1. The design and layout of new housing development should maximise separation distances from different sources of air pollution such as industrial and commercial uses

2. New residential development should maximise separation distances between houses (including their garden areas) and main roads, taking into account density and local character. Habitable rooms should be located away from busy roads

3. Schemes should make use of changes in height in local topography and consider prevailing wind direction to minimise noise disturbance as well as air pollution for occupiers. This could include for example locating built development on the lee side of slopes to provide added protection

4. Landscaping schemes and buffer zones should retain mature trees and hedgerows wherever possible, and incorporate green walls and barriers using tree planting and other planting to provide screening and absorb dust and other pollutants

5. Materials and construction techniques should provide appropriate noise insulation and protection from air pollution; and

6. The provision of electric charging points.


Policy T2 Liveable Neighbourhoods and Sustainable Travel

New major housing development should be located where there is good access to local bus routes and/or rail facilities or improvements can be made to achieve such access by sustainable transport modes.

Where appropriate, development schemes should incorporate accessible and safe linkages to local walking and cycling networks, public transport facilities and local services to reduce reliance on the car, particularly for short journeys.

Safe and secure cycle storage should be integrated into development schemes and, where possible, provided at other suitable locations such as the village centre and local shops and services, taking account of the standards set out in the accompanying Design Code.



Policy H1 Housing Scale and Mix

Subject to other policies in the HLVNDP, proposals for new housing development will be supported within the existing built-up area of High Lane Village (as defined on maps 4 and 5) provided that they contribute to a suitable and sustainable mix of house types and sizes, including affordable housing, in line with the most up to date assessments of local housing need.

All new housing schemes should prioritise provision of one or more of the following house types and sizes:

1. Starter homes of 1-2 bedrooms for first time buyers

2. Housing suitable for young families (up to 3 bedrooms)

3. Housing suitable for older people including 1-2 bedroom single storey housing or supported accommodation

4. Affordable housing, where priority is given to occupiers with a local connection.


Policy R1 Protecting and Enhancing Parks and Recreational Areas

Open spaces, recreational and sports facilities identified on Map 5 are protected from development which would conflict with their ongoing use for recreational purposes unless adequate replacement or improved provision is planned and where suitable qualitative improvement would be the outcome with no net loss of amenity.

Proposals for new and improved outdoor sport provision and recreation facilities, including proposals for a 3G Astro turf pitch and for multi-purpose sports and changing facilities within Brookside Park or other suitable sites will be supported provided that:

1. Any structures or buildings are sited and designed sensitively to blend into the surrounding park and landscape, in terms of scale, colour and materials; and

2. Appropriate screening and landscaping are provided to minimise visual impacts; and

3. Lighting schemes are designed and sited appropriately to minimise visual disturbance and impacts on local residential amenity, and any adverse impacts on wildlife; and

4. Safe places with natural surveillance are created for social interaction. Developer contributions will be sought in line with Stockport MBC's most up to date open space contributions policies to support investment in the existing three local parks in High Lane, or where appropriate, to provide new open space and recreation facilities in the High Lane area.


Policy R2 Walking, Cycling and Horse Riding

The network of walking, cycling and horse- riding routes in High Lane Village NDP area is identified shown on Map 6. Where appropriate, developer contributions will be sought for accessibility improvements to benefit all user groups, and particularly those reliant on scooters, wheelchairs and pushchairs, including the following:

1. Replacement of stiles with accessible gates or other entrances at access points

2. Improved signage and lighting including from main access points and at appropriate points along the routes such as at interchanges with other routes

3. Informal segregation of different user groups such as walkers, riders and cyclists to reduce conflict, through for example changes in surface texture or colour; and

4. Provision of new bridleways and the establishment of a multi- user footpath from Windlehurst Road to the Middlewood Way.

Major development proposals for new housing, community and commercial uses should, wherever possible, include physical linkages or signage to nearby footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways and Beelines on Mill Lane in order to improve connectivity between existing networks and enhance the attractiveness of walking, cycling and riding in and around the High Lane. Development proposals should ensure that existing Public Rights of Way (PROW) including footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways, which cross or adjoin their sites, are retained and improved for walkers, cyclists, horses and their riders.


Policy NH1 Protecting Local Landscape Character in the High Lane Area

Development proposals should be designed to protect and enhance local landscape character in High Lane. Schemes should have reference to the guidance set out in the Stockport Landscape Character Assessment and Landscape Sensitivity Study and the Greater Manchester-wide Landscape Character Assessment.

Site layouts, designs and landscaping proposals should address the following design principles:

1. Avoiding intrusive and dominant built form in visually prominent locations such as on the sides of the Ladybrook Valley or in open areas

2. Protecting and where possible restoring and re-creating important seminatural habitats to reduce their fragmentation, including woodlands linking to an intact hedgerow network, individual oak specimens and characteristic field ponds.

3. Ensuring the role of the valley as an important wildlife corridor is retained

4. Utilising existing or planting new woodland to screen development

5. Ensuring that the setting and integrity of the historic landscapes and heritage features within the valley is respected and retained

6. Maintaining important historical, industrial elements of the landscape such as former railway routes, bridges and the Macclesfield Canal, as these features play a major role in local identity and sense of place

7. Encouraging the recreational use of industrial transportation routes where they respect landscape character

8. Protecting and promoting the important views out of the valley into Cheshire East (including the Peak Fringe Local Landscape Designation Area and the Grade II* Registered Lyme Park) and glimpses of the Peak District National Park; and

9. Ensuring any new development does not adversely affect the special qualities of the Peak District National Park, including its beautiful views, sense of tranquillity and dark night skies, and the vital benefits that flow beyond its boundary


Policy NH2 Protecting Important Views and Vistas

Development proposals should respect identified Important Views and Vistas which are locally valued and identified on Map 7.

Should a proposed development be likely to affect such views and vistas the scheme should be designed and sited sensitively and appropriately to mitigate any adverse impacts.


Policy NH3 Protecting and Enhancing Local Wildlife

The priority for new development should be to create a net gain in natural capital and biodiversity. Direct and indirect impacts upon biodiversity and/or geodiversity should be avoided. Where impacts cannot be avoided, mitigation and then as a last resort compensatory measures (for example biodiversity offsetting) should be provided.

All development proposals should demonstrate how biodiversity will be protected and enhanced including the local wildlife, ecological networks, non-statutory locally designated wildlife sites and habitats.

Landscaping schemes should include wildlife enhancements, for example incorporating ponds, and retaining existing, and planting new areas of trees, woodlands and hedgerows using locally appropriate native species. Areas identified on Map 8 supporting high distinctiveness habitat (as listed in Local Plan Policy SE3 points 2 and 4) should be protected by at least a 15 m buffer zone. Those supporting medium distinctiveness habitat will require a comprehensive ecological evaluation if they are put forward for development. The Wildlife Corridor identified on Map 9 (local ecological network) should be preserved.

Rivers and the lines of water courses should be protected and water courses managed sustainably to protect water quality and flow rates. The use of permeable surfaces to reduce run off is required.

In line with Natural England's standing advice28 building demolitions or conversions should be supported by bat surveys and barn owl surveys where required. Development should take into consideration the need to protect existing wildlife which may be using the building(s) as habitats. Buildings should incorporate bird nest boxes (including for swifts) and roosting opportunities for bats (such as bat roosting boxes) wherever possible.

Lighting schemes should be designed sensitively to reduce any adverse impacts on wildlife and mitigation measures should be included to minimise other disturbance such as noise.


Policy HD1 Protecting Built Heritage Assets and their Settings

Historic buildings, structures and archaeological sites (whether inside or outside the Macclesfield Canal Conservation Area) should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their significance in accordance with the NPPF.

Development within or affecting the setting of the Macclesfield Canal Conservation Area should protect and enhance the area's special character having regard to the HLVNDP Design Codes (Section 5.1).

Development in the Conservation Area should aim to enhance and better reveal existing buildings and structures related to the canal including canal warehouses, toll houses, boundary and retaining walls, wharves and boathouses.

Development proposals must take account of known surface and subsurface archaeology and ensure unknown and potentially significant deposits are identified and appropriately considered during development.


Policy HD2 High Quality Design and Design Codes

New development in High Lane Village Neighbourhood Area should demonstrate a commitment to high quality and innovative design.

This should be achieved through the consideration and incorporation of the principles set out in the HLVNDP Design Codes which are provided as an accompanying background document to the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Overall development should:

1. Promote sustainable movement and accessibility by:

A. Maximising connectivity

B. Promoting living streets

C. Supporting legibility and sign posting

D. Providing cycle storage and

E. Providing appropriate car parking.

2. Support sustainable design in new housing by:

A. Maximising energy, resource and water efficiency; and

B. Incorporating renewable and low carbon energy technologies.

3. Incorporate or provide links to high quality and accessible open space for all by:

A. Supporting access to spaces which enhance health and wellbeing; and

B. Ensuring new open spaces are inclusive and designed to meet the needs of different groups.

4. Protect and enhance natural heritage by:

A. Protecting existing mature trees and hedgerows and planting new species in landscaping schemes; and

B. Protecting and enhancing biodiversity by incorporating wildlife friendly features such as bat and bird boxes and hedgehog friendly fencing.

5. Respond to local character, taking into account density and layout, height and scale and local materials and providing suitable garden and car parking. New development proposals should not just imitate earlier architectural periods or styles but could include imaginative modern design using high quality traditional materials such as local stone and red brick in innovative ways.

In areas where surface water flood risk is a known issue, proposals will be resisted unless suitable mitigation can be provided which does not exacerbate run off elsewhere and wherever possible seeks to provide a betterment. Development proposals will be required to provide effective surface water drainage measures to protect existing and future residential areas from flooding. New development should be designed to maximise the retention of surface water on the development site and to minimise runoff. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) should be implemented in accordance with the SuDS hierarchy unless deemed inappropriate.