New Projects


SMBC have given the Residents' Association permission to work on and improve the following-  

plant flowers/ plants on the grass verge opposite Horse Shoe Inn to Middlewood Road, improve the path at Brookside Park and the path Windlehurst Road to Middlewood Way (PROW 202) and maintain planters on Windlehurst Road.


Footpath at Brookside Park                                  Flower Bed A6 near Horse Shoe to Middlewood Road

brook fp

                                  flower beds 




Owens Flag at High Lane Station



                                                                                           Bus Shelter A6 Refurbishment.  Thanks to Audrey, Warren,

                                                                                             Alision, Peter with help from Parbans 






For these projects we need volunteers. If you can help please use and give your name,email address, days when you are available. If you can help for an hour or two it would be much appreciated.